Pole Dancing Tips
Few Pole Dancing Tips That Will Make Your Workouts More Effective And Efficient
Pole Dancing classes require your dedication and concentration, so – before training, ensure to adjust to the correct mode. Leave all thoughts and problems behind the door of the gym, they would definitely disturb you. Do not hold the phone into your hands, and do not answer the phone call. This interrupts the training process, knocks down and distracts! Concentrate on the execution of the tricks.
Shoot your workouts on video. When working on tricks, it is highly recommended to turn on the camera and shoot yourself from different angles. It is easier to see the mistakes made in the video than in the mirror.
Learn combinations, not elements. Every time you learn a new trick, always try to discover the driven force that drives you into it and also develop excitement from it. Make different combinations with it, and practice them. Thus, you will understand all the subtleties of the technique of performing such elements, and therefore it will form your base. Elements that are separated do not bear a value; it is important and advisable to combine them with something.
Finish your classes with improvisation. Improvisation is a good indicator that shows that elements are well developed, easy to perform, and need no other improvement. Be sure to shoot improvisation on the video, sometimes interesting combinations are born in the flow of movements.
Ensure to arrange photo sessions periodically. Beautiful photos are a great motivation for learning new elements. A photo session is more effective than any workout: sometimes in order to make a successful photo, you need to perform a trick more than a dozen times.
Train with weighing. Put weighing on your feet and make a few elements. Then remove them and do more. It’s easy, isn’t it? Thanks to training with weighing that ensures becoming stronger and ascertains easy execution.
Perform tricks at altitude. If you find that you are doing a good job, try to make it under the ceiling. This simple test will show how confident you are in your own strengths and in specific elements.
If something does not work out, patiently analyse the cause and do not get upset. If today you cannot make the element, you do not need to get upset and never stop trying it. Analyse the cause of the failure. Sometimest lies in the lack of physical fitness or base, and sometimes in the lack of understanding of technique. You can also be disturbed by fear, lack of concentration, or simply lack of work. In each case, you can find a solution instead of despondency and despair.
And what secrets you use in your pole dancing classes?