Breathing Exercises
Hi, friends!
Exactly one week ago we talked about the role of breathing in stretching and enhancing its effectiveness, today, we continue our theme and our coach @kolegova_alina will tell us what exercises will help you to work out the correct breathing technique!
! All exercises should be done in sports bra or tight clothing.
Breathing exercises:
# Lie down on a flat surface.
Make sure that the lower back is in the neutral position, for this purpose it is possible to slightly bend your knees.
Place the right hand on the chest, left on the lower abdomen.
During inspiration inflate your abdomen to the maximum when you exhale lower down your abdomen gently and evenly.
In its turn, the left hand will be raised and lowered during exercise, and the right will remain motionless.
!! The chest should not move.
To complicate the previous exercise, you can add a little weight on the stomach.
For example, a book.
It is worth mentioning that you need to increase the weight gradually.
When doing abdominal breathing, hold the breath for 2-3 counts during inhalation and exhalation.
You can also experiment with options of exhalation.
This is widely used in of qigong practice.
- a) Calm smooth inhale and a long exhale, lips lightly open and folded into a tube, if you blow out a candle.
- b) Relaxing inhale and sharp exhale with sound “HA”.
The difficulty is that the sound must go not from of the larynx, but from the abdominal region.
From yoga we know another breathing technique known as “fiery breathing” or Agnisara-dhauti.
Stand sideways to the mirror.
Take a deep breath, holding your hands up, and move the hands on your knees while exhaling (the body will be bent, and shoulders a bit slouchy).
Then together with breathing start quickly suck in and lower down abdomen (looks like “wave” done by belly).
…That’s all for now, breathe correctly and stretch effectively!?
Tag:breathing, exercise, fitness, pole, relaxation, sport, stretching