About Competition
It’s now peak season for many pole dance schools to prepare for competitions, and especially in ours, and the choice of subject for the #opinion_mypolespace this week was simple.
My answer to the question “whether I had a performance, for which I am ashamed”, I don’t hesitate to honestly answer “ALL”.
I was not completely satisfied with Neither gold in Russia nor Silver at the World Cup, nor ten Cups at international Arts, all of them.
If you did not screw up in tricks, you always know where you did not do well in artistry, did not get enough amplitude, was too careful, and you are always ashamed of it:)
So it’s more fun to hear phrases like, “I began to prepare for a competition, if I prepare well then I will perform good” or “I want to make an act, but I will work on it two years to make it perfect”.
Guys, my dear, you will never perform perfectly.
Moreover, you will never be fully prepared for the competitions.
The competition is a risk and you should honestly admit it before preparation starts – otherwise you will lose.
If you do a trick successfully 99 times out of a hundred, you never know whether or not this one will be during your performance.
And you’ll always come out on stage with the feeling that you can screw up now and you can not be insured against this.
This is very similar to life, when you step into unknown, mmm?
But the most astonishing happens to us after that frightful step into the unknown, isn’t it?
One more moment: the ability to perform well is a SKILL.
The skill that you can not develop in training; during training you can only develop clarity, purity and endurance.
And the ability to flawlessly demonstrate them on stage is a skill that can only be acquired on stage.
Thus people hoping to take its first place from the very first try, are very similar to people who are trying in life to do only things where they are doomed to succeed.
In other words nothing.
Take competition not as an ultimate goal: it is undue importance and a lot of pressure on yourself.
Competition is just one step.
Small Step. Up the stairs, climbing which you will meet and overcome fears and tears on impact pad, and victorious “Yes!”, and failures, and medals.
And certainly the most memorable moments in life. Such fascinating stairs:)
Good luck in your preparations.
*Author of the article Kristina Dumanskaya
Tag:ability, competiton, dance, exercises, fitness, performance, pole, skills, sport, training