We are extremely excited to share great news with all our passionate dancers: OpenDance Academy were named App of the Day . Our students constant support, valuable feedback and comments made it possible to launch app for pole dancing classes online, …
We all have different upbringing and different standards of decency. Exotic pole dancing always causes conflicting feelings in some people. We are used to it, but how can we start to explain dancing a sensual dance to someone who is …
Pole dancing is more than just a passing trend. It’s a cultural phenomenon that produces real fitness results. Thousands of women (and men!) are starting to learn the wonders of pole dancing for themselves, whether they hope to increase their …
Many people do their best to workout in various ways on a regular basis, such as by jogging around the neighborhood, cycling to work or hitting the gym. However, with the incredible demands that your various professional and personal responsibilities …
Daily training pole dancing routine! It’s a good theme… isn’t it? I will tell you when our body is 100% productive! Are you interested yet??? Of course, we all want to do something not just for nothing but in order …
“If I do these stretching exercises how fast can I do splits?” My dear! You cannot exactly or even approximately guess how long it will take. Why? Because nobody but you will answer this question: “How soon will I do …
The answer by a professional is every day! But its important to choose how: At home – every day! With the coach and under the pressure of extra weight- every second day will be more efficient! Extreme stretching using suspensions …
Friends, we are starting very important series of articles about training with a bad back. Is there life in pole dancing with hernias, protrusion, osteochondrosis? Svetlana Shiryaeva, our teacher, who faced the problem personally and successfully overcomes it without stopping …
It’s now peak season for many pole dance schools to prepare for competitions, and especially in ours, and the choice of subject for the #opinion_mypolespace this week was simple. My answer to the question “whether I had a performance, for …
“The number is needed! Specific! Give me the exact recipe! And guarantee!” I will give no warranties, nor recipes. But I will give you tools so that you can answer this question yourself, because no others will have the answer. …